Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unemployment concerns (NC)?

Go to an office tomorrow that way you can call the main office to wake them up.Remember this if you quit you can't receive benefits.

Schwarzenegger as The Terminator Again!!!!?

I read on wiki that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Roland Kickinger will play as the T-800 Model 101 in the fourth Terminator movie this summer! Schwarzenegger provides his voice, while the Austrian bodybuilder Kickinger was Schwarzenegger's double on set. Digital makeup was used to make him resemble the previous T-800 actor. Kickinger previously portrayed Schwarzenegger in a 2005 biographical film on the A&E Network. McG explained he wanted the T-800 to look like the younger Schwarzenegger in the 1984 film. Aren't You Guys Excited????

MEN/GUYS do you really hate make-up on women?

I think women sometimes overdo it with makeup, like they look like they slapped plaster on their faces... yuck.

What are some of the pros and cons of ingesting splenda?

Well people like me can't have Aspratame because of Seizures and Splenda does not have Aspratame. When I was using sugar and didn't know about splenda I gained 25 pounds I had kept off for 10 years!!!! Now I am back to losing weight with splenda. If you do have too much though it will make you go!! I figure it is better than using sugar and safer than Aspratame in Nutrisweet!

Are these fish tropical fish?

yes they are all tropical but you cannot put them all in a 10 gal tank it is too small you might be able to put 12-15 of these fish since they are usually small in the tank remember they need room to grow and if they don't have this room they will die also different fish live in different layers of the water so if you have too many fish living in the top layer this is not good research the fish see if they survive better in pairs for instance platies did you know they you should have 1 male to 2 females so you need the 3 fish tetras do better in groups of 4 tiger barbs can go in a community take but they are aggressive so do some research to have a great tank with happy fish right from the start.Good luck

What is the synonym of cold?

algid, arctic, below freezing, below zero, benumbed, biting, bitter, blasting, bleak, boreal, brisk, brumal, chill, chilled, cool, crisp, cutting, frigid, frore, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, have goose bumps, hawkish, hiemal, hyperborean, icebox, iced, icy, inclement, intense, keen, nipping, nippy, numbed, numbing, one-dog night, , piercing, polar, raw, rimy, severe, sharp, shivery, Siberian, sleety, snappy, snowy, stinging, two-dog night, wintry

I have a book "THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY". Compiled 1906 Ellis R. Meeker, Commonwealth Publisher. It's value???

The book was commissioned by N J Law Chapter 72 in 1904. It measuresd 18" x 22", 316 pages with numerious pictures, black leather cover with gold pages.

Longboard Skateboard question?

Ok I got my very first longboard skateboard 2 days ago, I'm getting better already. But one time I was swerving around to get some speed and I turned too sharply and the deck hit the wheel braking it really hard, I flew forward and sprained my wrist. If I want to make a sharp turn and the deck skids the wheel do I tighten the truck a little so it can't touch it?

Christians protest as Doctor Who is portrayed as ‘messiah.’ Why?

The BBC has provoked controversy over a Christmas Day Doctor Who special that uses religious imagery to depict the Time Lord as a “messiah”. Voyage of the Damned is to air on Christmas Day. But my question is if religious people do not want the show to be watched by their people why do they pull so much attention to these shows? Why not just stay quiet there is nothing wrong w/dr who. I can understand the golden comp getting criticized a little but still! I understand yall have freedom of speech and are trying to protect your people but over dr. who!?

Nickname help?

hi...? my sister rosie and i are identical twins, and we're moving to canada in about 3 months. we decided, since we're going to boarding school, we're going to upgrade our names from our silly childish ones to more grown up versions. can anyone help us out with cool nicknames? My first and second names are Jean Keely, and Rosie's are Roseanne Morwenna.

What is the best Christmas present you have ever recieved?

The best thing I got for Christmas was an Easy Bake oven from my cousin when I was 27 years old. We were out X mas shopping and I was teasing her about having gotten the best toys when we were growing up including that Easy Bake oven. It was a great gag gift. I haven't complained since. I gave it to her daughter last year.

Is Pelosi going to Syria to collect her reward for attacking our country??

It looks like Pelosi has learned from the French that it pays more to side with Iran. Perhaps she should take Rosie along so both of them can get paid at one time. If we get lucky the plane could have problems and crash.

Why doesn't the government impose a tax on foreign car purchases?

Over the last decade, with people buying Japanese and Korean cars like crazy, while the Big Three have been suffering, I think the US government should impose a tax on new foreign vehicle purchases. People give BS excuses like foreign cars have better value, resale value, better warranties, etc. that they wouldn't otherwise get with an American car. The tax should be significant enough so that a person wouldn't save any money or gain anything by buying a foreign car, and then they will buy our cars like they have in the past. On top of the federal new-car tax on foreign vehicles, states should impose another fee payable at registration or renewal of license plate tabs, applicable no matter how old the foreign car is. The taxes should be distributed, in part, to all US auto workers who have been affected in any way by the slowing of American car sales.

Do kangaroos have milk for their offspring?

Absolutely. Kangaroos are marsupial mammals. Mammals are distinguished by their mammary glands, which are modified sweat glands that produce milk. Even the duck-billed platypus, which is a primitive mammal that lays eggs, has mammary glands.

How to teach your husband manners?

Wow, I am not married or anything, but that is not normal. At least not in my house. My dad ALWAYS, says bye to us when he leaves to work. And HE ALWAYS gives my mom a kiss good bye, and a hug. Same when he gets home, he asks how are day was, and stuff like that. And, through out the day, he always talks to us. So yes, I think that what your husband is doing is he going to stop?? Well, five years is too soon for him to begin!! Wow, so I am not sure..sorry, for not giving much help!!

Is God not a Monarch? Is Capitaism than ANTI-Christ? God calls himself a KING! Is America BurningBush?

Fellow American and immigrants that want to be, and to all peoples that would strive to see the world a better place! Did America invent the airplane? The Car, The Lightbulb, Television, Telephone, Metal hulled Warships? All in the name of Peace and prosperity, but more so for the protection of its citizens and those that would allie with us. We demonstrated nuclear energy and through our capitalistic system have proved to THE WORLD that we want to address ALL Men as equals. However our enemies have fought us by using our own technologies against us; by corupting the process of FREE THINKING. And now we are threatend by our own BILL OF RIGHTS. The Freedom of Religion is the worst Freedom allowed today because it allows for the corruption of ones mind. ALL RELIGIONS FORCE COMPLIANCE FROM THEIR MEMBERS or they are discommunicated, thrown out and Emancipated. Religions set a precedence for the return of MONARCHIAL RULE because they support the view that "GOD IS KING!" BOOOOO!

Should i give him a try ? we have been friends for a while ! he fought for me ! help?

I would ask him out, but tell him first that if he wants to date u then tell him at the beginning of the relationship what u expect of him.

Should I get my 10 month old the H1N1 swine flu shot? Has anyone gotten the shot for their kids?

He did get the regular flu shot in the fall. I am really torn here. Has anyone gotten the swine flu shot?

My father is addicted to TV...?

as of this point in your life, allow your father to enjoy what he is doing. if you do it you are multiplying you mother.

I put an uncrustable out to thaw at 9 last night (15 hours ago) is it still safe to eat?

They say to eat within 8-10 hours of defrosting for best flavor... and that they can be refrigerated for 24 .... I put mine out on the counter last night at 9 and now I want to eat it.. .is it all good?

What if a creditor wont give there address for a cease and desist letter?

If it's a third party company you can tell them to cease and desist contact over the phone they have to accept it verbally but most of the time they will tell you it wasn't in the notes. There not going to give you there address if you tell them that you are sending that letter as they know they are not going to be able to contact you. Also remember that if they sell it to another company you will have to send that company a different letter so it starts all over. I would call them and ask them what there address is so you can send them a payment and just send a certified letter to them instead of the payment if they give you problems tell them you are sending the payment certified so you have doent of them receiving it. Also remember that just by sending this letter it doesn't stop collection efforts and sending the letter will probably make them proceed with legal action faster than if they were calling you as they now know you don't want them contacting you so be aware that you will probably be taken to court and have a judgment placed against you.

Do girls in college find hairless men unattractive?

im 18 years old and Aual and going to college in september. Im not ually attracted to woman but i still like girls in a strictly platonic way. Anyways... i hate my body hair, and today i bought this product that i tried on my left leg and it worked great. I'm not going to continue with the rest of my body until this is answer. fyi i don't want her to be ually attracted to me

My forsaken heart cries lonely tears?

Alas, my beloved hath called off our romance, for fear of my pestilent ways. I do admit I am a wanton woman, desiring the flesh of other men; yet I did so adore this one in particular. He was my dearest suitor, oh woe! How ever may I go on without Love??

Saw on setanta fergie moaning about utds loss at bolton , why??

because thats typical Fergie if his team loses it must have been coz of the refs, pitch, hard tackling by opponents, lunar eclipse, colour of shirts or Mars out of phase with Pluto its NEVER coz his team played poorly

Wat should i do about my day yesterday?

So i was walkin my sesy black self down the street on the way to my baby daddys house and it was windy out. My mini skirt kept blowing up showing my y a ss to everyone around and black guys was whistling at me and yelling hey y mama, come to papa. Whas wrong with dem! I told dem dat they aint my papa and I shore aint dere mama and day had better shut dere mouth before dis ****** knock dere tooth out! So I kept walking and round da corner a big ole gust of wind came and blew my wig right off my head. I was like ooooh Lordy nooo, i gots to get my wig back. I chased it and landed in a puddle and I bent down tp pick it up and dis skinny a zz white boy behind was looking at my y and he went woo hoo hey baby, come to daddy !and I was like I aint your baby and you shore aint my daddy now shuts up before I knock yo tooth out too! now why do deeze stupid a zz mens wanna be my papa and my daddy! so I finally got my y self to my baby daddy's house and when I walked in i heard my baby daddy yelling come to daddy, i thought he was talkin to my babygirl, but den i walked in da room and this mo fo was doin dis white girl with no or and her pale legz was all wrapped round my baby daddy and she was screamin dat she aint never going back to white no white boy now. I was like ooooh no you didn't! Den I snatched dat white hoe up by her pretty blonde hair and i knocked dat ****** out, den i ****** slapped my baby daddy. He disrepected a ****** what I am sposed to do wit my sezy self?

My bf says that the only reason he hasnt broken up with me is because he sees the pion i have in my eyes,?

he says it bothers him that i dont show it. iwant to start something new i just dont know what to do to spice things up with him, or what actions to take. i was always the quiet one who kept feelings inside. and i dont want to be that person anymore. i want to express what he sees in my eyes.. i want to suprise him tomorrow when i see him. i need help!!

Which shop/place is the best to buy good quality sungit/sinjang in Malaysia?

If anyone knows which is the best place to buy sungit and songket (malaysian) wich is of high quality please send me the contact details of the shop. IT will be of much help this ramadhan.

Have any plaintiffs or defendants on Judge Judy ever told her, while on TV, to refrain from insulting them?

Judge Judy has no right to call people :idiot", "stupid" etc, etc. SHE is the one with "an attitude". She apparently relies on ESP to resolve cases before her. She is indeed verbally abusive, arrogant, and very biased, e.g.. all teenagers lie.

Can anyone answer this probability question?

A statistic problem is given to three students A,B and C whose chances of solving it are 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 respectively. Find the probability that the problem will be solved.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it normal to find cert in Avatars ually attractive..also a paradox...i like bi racial avatars...?

ones that appear very ethnic...yet i am generally only attracted to white women when it comes to fleash and blood girls..yet every night i find myself slipping into a fantasy world where i might make love to some of your hot multiracial cartoon facees...

How about having a rotating US presidency among all 50 state governors instead of our current system?

No more need for national conventions and all the rest of that nonsense. Make the White House a museum. Also, abolish the US Congress and transfer power to all 50 state legislatures who would caucus via the Internet. Make the National Capitol Building a museum.

Pierre Garcon or lance moore? Please help?

Garcon is inconsistent right now and right now Peyton's favorite receivers that aren't hurt would be Blair White and Jacob Tamme. Lance Moore has been getting TDs with Reggie Bush out but now that he is back he won't get as much catches. Lance Moore will be the best out of the two but not that great.

How can i regain my imagination? i am an aspiring writer?

I have become so ytical and structured with my writing. All i ever right about is human problems which are too an extent petty and boring examples of what i write about - infidelity, betrayal, etc.

Opinion of this trade.......?

Definitely pull the trigger. Both, Rios and Hernandez are sell high players right now. Broxton will turn it up and Hughes is pitching fantastic. I doubt Hughes will dominant like he is now, but he will be solid, pitching for the Yankees is always a plus because of the run support.

Rli dont no wot 2do ne1??

heya, i was walkin home onmy own cz my bf was l8 4 work n ***** do it so i rang my dad n asked if he would but he wouldnt. So i started walkin home and suddenly i saw this man stumbling around like sum1 outta saun of the dead with 1 hand on his head. I stopped in my tracks and then he stopped and looked at me n den ran after me i ran 4my life i started avin a panic attak cz this stuff az appnd 2 me b4 n i ad 2 av councling. then my dad pikd me up n started shouting at me saying he dnt care wt appns 2me anymore even if i get rapped and beatin up in a corner sum where n then asked wt flowers i want on my coffin. I then told my mum and she sed hmmm... n i go dnt u care n she goes no... y shud we bother nemre. Im so angry and upset! specialy talkin about this wen i still avnt got over my friends death.

I need help?

Well, a lot of them are either about life in general or about nature. Since life is generally a hard topic to yze, you might want to use nature. Go for a walk or a hike, go to a park or out in the garden. Take a look at the plants, the birds, the sun, whatever you can find, and write down a couple adjectives for each thing. Afterwards, look for a theme linking all of them-morning, life, tranquility, energy, whatever. Use the adjectives you wrote down (and any others you think of) along with the objects you saw, and write about the theme with them. Tweak the line lengths, the rhymes, and the words to make it fit the form of your sonnet, and you're done. Hope this helps!

I just got this and am curious what you all think - I'm Tired?

You need a rest...but before you do, please publish your above work on a blog. I believe every word you say. That is, if my premise is correct..that you did write it. If not, thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.

Grammatical structures!?

Google is your friend. Good luck English is really hard, I been trying to learn it for 18 years and I am still failing at it.

Wiring problems with sirius satalite radio....?

so i started installing my my sirius sportster 5 today and the antenea went great, i managed to conceal all of the wire except for about 7inches comming from the unit. But then the power cord and the aux cord are way too long and all it suggests is to zip tie them?! it looks like crap. I know about the professional installation kit for about $30 but is it concievable to install that myself? or do i just need to break down and pay the pros to do it?

Which of these describes a typical bacterium cell?

the answer is number 2. cell walls are in bacterium but they are separate from plant cell walls which have cellulose. a protein capsid is typical of a virus. bacteria cells are prokaryotic and all cellular metabolism takes place in the cytosol without the need for membrane bound organelles.

I bought an ac adapter for my acer aspire and used it, now it smells?

It specifically said it was made for acer aspire 3680's and some other models. My computer is kinda messed up (my charging rod is wiggly, and i think I need a new battery). The cord made my computer battery light up, but only when at an angle... I blame my wiggly charging rod for that issue. The pc would not start up with the new cord though. The battery light would turn green, I would press power on - it would try to start up, then it would blip out, the bat light would disappear for a second, then reappear and continue trying to charge. Went online, found the "remove bat, insert cord, press for 30, start up, put bat back in" trick. It worked. Then my stupid boyfriend moved my extension cord and my ac adapter got unplugged and instantly the pc turned off. Now the trick won't work, and my battery light won't even light up. There is no life coming from my laptop at all. Except a slight burning smell when i was closely inspecting the charging hole. Would amazon really sell me an adapter that would fry my computer, despite specifically being marketed for my laptop??? Do I have any hope left for my piece of machine?

I've lost my 11-15 Oyster Card. My Dad don't get paid till next week and I have GCSE exams. Please Help!?

You will just have to walk then unless one of your friends can lend you the money. If it is a real problem, contact your school and ask if they can help.

Need a little help, missing girl friend?

my internet girl friend never got here! She left Leredo TX yesterday around 12:30 she texed me at she had left late. she texed me again at5:30 she just left her sisters in San Antonio that been the last thing ived herd? And no i dont konw any of her familey not sure what to do, do i weight or do i call highway patrol, O YA i did send her money to make the trip?

How to pay less for my accommodation this month (heating problem)?

If you lived there, you have to pay. You could have used an electric heater or the stove temporarily, or moved out. But you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Father charged with DV simple ault, he filed false child abuse charges on mom, does he stand any chance?

very difficult may be the judge is going to give the child on temporal parents or visits With supervision

Flu? Swine Flu? Strep Throat? HELP.?

basically the last few days ive been having headaches, loosing my appetite, and feeling dizzy/light headed whenever i sit up/walk around and mainly my throat absolutely kills whenever i swallow anything:/ help?oh and ive also been feeling a little sick:/ but not hugely.

I have a 98 honda prelude manual i had the clutch replaces less then 10,000 miles ago and its destroyed ?

the place i took it to said the plates are trashed and the flywheel is scrap what would cause that type of damage

If low taxes are so great, why is America's poverty and economic segregation higher than Europe's?

Americans since childhood have been brainwashed into supporting low taxes. Low taxes and high taxes are destructive. Then there's the middle ground in between. Like those awful things like universal health care and child care that would enhace the prosperity of the middle cl.

Wm25 money in the bank contestants?

and what do u think of mine??? Hurricane helms, morrison, the miz, rey mesterio, r truth, kofi, Shelton Benjamin, and MVP.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Does Macbook aluminium is good for 3D software?

Yes, this will do nicely. You can always replace the internal hard drive with a larger one later (at a cheaper price than what Apple charges).

Can A guy who's more conservative go out with a girl who's more wild, would it work out?

Sounds like you two have different lifestyles that can cause problems. Also, she is already seeing someone - so cool it. Let her know you might be interested when she is available for you.Then keep space between you two.

Have you ever tried this in your relationship?

No, but I imagine that relationships are different, for people who expect to have in every one that have.

Making vegan lentil soup in bulk to freeze?

Ainsley's spicy lentil soup is good. You can buy it form any grocery store. It comes in sealed packages, and your hubby can keep a whole box in his desk drawer at work. It's vegetarian friendly, cheap and quick, no freezing or defrosting required. All you have to do is add hot water. Adding a few greens like parsley or chives makes it tastier and a more filling. With whole meal bread for dipping it's a quick and hearty lunch.

How the heck ?

you should try some of the expensive brands if you want that maybe Maybelline wateva....or lacome or something like that.

I am adding recessed lighting to my basement. I have purchased 4" lights that are just canister style.?

Can i mount them in ceiling tile or is this a fire hazard? There is no insulation that it will be in contact with just the tile itself.

In the government which of the legislative, judicial, and executive branch are allowed these powers?

Which state of the branches can A. Aprove treaties, B. Make treaties, and C. P laws? just match the government branch to the government. tyvm, govt. studying is very confusing sometimes to me.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar vs. Modern Time?

Note the issues there at Julius Caesar and think of the events that is related to those issues that circulated at the play. I hope this helps.

USPS delivered? but I didn't receive..?

It says delivery could take until March 21 so it is premature to do anything until then. It was shipped somewhere between Feb 28 and March 1.

Why is it that some poor men are more macho than men that go to gyms? Yet they seldom eat meat coz theyr poor?

I've seen a lot of these guys in 3rd world countries. Some are garbage collectors and some do physical work but they can't eat lean meat all the time since they're poor so instead, they eat cheap veggies and bread. Yet, some are even bigger than men that are rich and go to gym and drink supplements. Why?

My typhlosion evs?

zubats only give you 1 ev for speed. try something that gives you a few more ev's per kill. i dont have my stat guide in front of me, but you could try staravia's.

Can you buy a prepaid phone at walmart?

i had a cell phone 1 day i had it on my bag went 2 the restroom came back never say it again know i went another phone but my parent don't went 2 bec of wat happen n school so can i buy a prepaid phone with no adults please help me im 14 by the way

Did you know that the yrians still exist?

Many people believe that yrians do not exist but they actually do their are between 3 to 4 million still alive many still in Iraq they were the first Catholic Civilization and no are not related to Syria or the Syrians they also spoke the language of Christ and are older than any other known people.

Can someone please help me wriite a sonnet!!?

I'd practice a little with some simple stuff first. I remember my freshman year I have to write a sonnet. It was a lot of fun.

How to keep myself from getting bitter?

Aw just dont give up hope. You just havent found the person your meant to be with yet! You'll find someone that will love you for you and treat you the way that you deserve to be treated! She'll come when shes meant to. just dont give up ! :)

Are there giant birds in New Mexico and what are they called?

when my mom was in 4th grade they were at recess and these giant black birds tried to to take one of my moms friend but the girl was chubby and the bird dropped her and flew of and they never saw the birds again. so i was wondering are there giant birds in New Mexico and what these birds are called and NO they were not vultures. Oh and this happened in the South-East part of the state.

Stranger photographing my daughter, am I over reacting?

My mother took my daughter out to a museum this morning to give me a break. She has nursery in the afternoon so I just dressed her in her school uniform to give her maximum time with the dinosaurs. My mum came back and told me that an American tourist (woman alone) asked if she could take a picture of my daughter because she was cute in her little uniform. My mum said yes and made sure she was in the picture too. I freaked out because the school name is on my daughters sweater. I told the school what happened and my mother thinks I am freaking for nothing. Am I being too scared by media hype or should I be wary now?

My black skirt tetra's fins go clear when the lights are on!?

I thought leaving the light on for 10-12 hours a day was recomended, but my black skirt tetra's fins go clear whenever I turn it on, and they like to hide under the rock. There are 2 of them in the tank and the only other fish is a placo. (algae eater). They turn a beautiful black when the light is off and swim all over the tank... I've got a decent amount of natural light coming into the room all day, so it's never pitch black until night. Should I continue leaving the light off and let the natural light be enough or should I keep it on the recomended 10-12 hours during the day?

GREAT Gatsby!! i need help answering this question!?

Identify and explain one example of personification in Ch. 7. Cite and discuss examples of the motif that nature reflects life in Ch. 8

How to get around Tokyo/the rest of Japan on a budget?

I'm a relatively experienced traveler who just purchased a one-way ticket to Tokyo. I'll be there for 10 days, starting December 27th (evening) and leaving sometime January 6th. I was wondering what are some ways to help stretch a dollar (or yen) in Tokyo. I'm looking for, in particular, public transport prices (or perhaps something similar to London's Oyster card), and ways to get around the rest of Japan for relatively cheap. Also, if you have anywhere else in Japan that you suggest seeing, or any special events going on in the dates I'm going, go ahead and answer with that too!

YIKES!!! I don't think I want to take morphine ever again!?

I recently had surgery, and was prescribed morphine for pain. Well, like a trooper, I tried to tough it out as best I could (addiction run rampant in my family), well, this morning, I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided, well, I'll just cut one up int 1/4's. I took one of 1/4's and for about the first 15 min. I felt nothing, so I thought well, whatever, I'm not taking anymore than that. 30 min. later, I started feeling a strange burning sensation up in my rib cage (the soft part where they do the chest compressions), and then this strange spasming in the same spot started. Now, I've called my doctor, and I'm just waiting for him to call back, but while I wait, I wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this and what he** is it??? I tried to vomit the pill back up, with no luck, but it seems like the only way to make the pain go away, is the gagging reflex when my stomach sucks in, but that only last about 5 minutes before the pain comes back. I can breathe fine, as long as I don't take deep breaths, but this pain is moving into my shoulders (like a gall bladder attack but in both shoulders). Is this an allergic reaction? I have learned my lesson and I'm going to take the pills back to the pharmacist. How do I make the pain go away? I would cry but that would probably make the pain worse.

Since the Pastor manning guilty verdict concerning Columbia University and alleged student Obama?

does it not seem proper that when we include the other allegations not challenged of Obama having false Connecticut SS number without having lived there and unproven statements regarding birth in Kenya and father being non-American making obama rather unqualified to be President,that he should stand down until proof is supplied if possible so America will not be world wide laughing stock?


If the temperature of 34.4 g of ethanol increases from 25.0 degrees C to 78.8 degrees C, how much heat has been absorbed by the ethanol? The specific heat of ethanol is 2.45 J/gC

Is this any good *10 points*?

that guy is lucky. this is great. words don't matter but the fact that you think about him picked a pen to write to him means the world. keep it up.

Obama Demands $60 Billion in Savings From Military Fighting Two Wars, is he insane?

hope that when the time comes all the people remembers the entire list of BS and lies this guy has trotted out and its only going to get worse.

What size rollers would i use to obtain this flip in the end of my hair?

Large. The maximum size your hair can roll around. Go to your beauty supply. You should be able to tell

I really like this boy and i think he might like me but he is shy... can you please tell me what you think?

i am going to be a junior but he will be a sophmore..he is really nice and i talk to him for 1-2 hours almost every day online but i really only see him in school...he is always really nice and a good listener and his friend told me that he likes me but that he just guessed and doesnt know for sure because he says that he laughs and smiles more around me than other people..we have a lot in common and i talk to him about everything except for anything except about relationship things..whenever we talk he always asks how i am or what im doing this weekend and once when we were talking on im he told me that i should go to one of his soccer games sometimes after rephrasing his question like 10 times(u can tell on im) and put a smiley and after i said that would be cool he changed the subject quickly... i havent noticed him trying to touch me which people say is a sign but he always listens to what i say and looks me in the eye and brings things we'v talked about up in later convos... HELP!

Do you think Ted Kennedy's condition calls for review of his past decisions?

Why, the man was pickled during every congressional session and still the idiot voters of Machusetts kept voting for him and none of his peers ever objected. A brain tumor has nowhere near the effect on the mind as does the vast quantities of Johnny Walker Red the man consumed.

Can I get into Rutgers or Penn State?

I'm a sopre in high school, and i still have time to boost my 2.5 gpa, but i have a PSAT score of 1330 already, and i live in Jersey city, which is a short train ride away from Rutgers campus..Also is it possible to boost it to a 3.5 anymore?

My foot has somthing weird? hlp plz?

i jus came back from my bball game and one of my feet has like a purple bubble on da left of my toe is it anything serious

Are you in favor of asking Jimmy Carter to move to Venezuela?

I think there should be a petition asking him to move to Venezuela. He's the most anti-American former President we've ever had. I think he'd like it there.

During meiosis, the order of the genes on a chromosome is reversed, which one best describes this?

An inversion has occurred; a piece of the chromosome has rotated causing a reversal in the gene order.

Is it weird to wear mittens instead of gloves?

so i'm going skiing. before when i went i had these gore-tex gloves, but my fingers got totally red and were buring because they were so cold. so i bought some nice mittens (gore-tex, too), that are more insulated and i can wear cotton gloves inside too. i got them from shenk & title and they're really nice and i don't think they're ugly at all. but is it weird/ugly to wear these skiing/snowboarding?

My Mock Draft: What do you think?

Hey it is a nice mock draft can tell you took time in doing it. My critique is that you have Stafford dropping to 10? Nobody has him falling that far, but again the Combine might change a lot of things. Jason Smith at #26 some have him being the top tackle taken, also Everette Brown at #31 ain't going to happen he is certain to go in the top 15. Clint Sintim to the Giants at #29 I agree with if he is avaliable the Giants will snatch him up.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Would This Look Okay?

Do you think that if a woman had an otherwise hot body, but with scars from stretch marks, that she would be less desirable? Do you think that having a hot body would deter the attention from the stretch marks?

What size under tank heater is appropriate for a California king snake terrarium?

I just received a young California king snake and have just purchased one of those snake habitat kits by All Things Living. The habitat kit included an under tank heater and I was wondering if it was the appropriate size for the snake's enclosure (I have him in a 29 gallon aquarium which has a 30x12 footprint). I've heard from different sources that the under tank heater should cover 1/3 to 1/2 of the bottom of the aquarium. Is this correct?

Major HELP!! =(?

what do i do if my friend has a gf tht he tellz me hu doesnt like, he cant break up with her becoz he doesnt want to break her heart ? btw, i like him but he doesnt know... :(

Evangelicals, what do you think of Pat Robertson endorsing Rudy Giuliani?

I was very surprised because Mr Giuliani is a serial adulterer and on his third marriage, the second two came about under very sleezy cirstances. We're talking adultery here, not some "youthful indiscretions" or minor character flaw. Is Reverend Robertson putting his politics over his ministry?

Mozart and Beethoven......?

What are some characteristics Mozart and Beethoven shared? What were some alike things they did, or anything to compare the two?

Guys!? what does this mean when....?

well there is this guy at school his name is kris and i like him a LOT! he is like sooo funny and nice a sweet but it kinda seems like he is afraid of me..... like cuz i was walking to volleyball practice after school and he was talking to his friend and he just stared at me and walked to the other side of his friend (so i couldn't see him)..... does he have some problem with me or is he just acting weird cuz he likes me or something?

Big Brother 9 Luke?

I have never liked him ,But yes his true colours are coming out now ,hes always talked about people behind their back moving from one side to the other ,so that he wont get nominated .A lot of people like him I cant see how anybody would ,his voice gets on my nerves

Cutting, Self harm, energy transfer?

Whatever makes you feel better is good. ESPECIALLY if i does not involve harming yourself. I bet there are many people who self harm who wish they could just hold a blade to there bodies and feel better without infrlicting pain on themselves. Count yourself lucky

Where i get software for viewing finance - stock price ?

where i get a good software for viewing latest share stock price iwant a free software for if you please tell to me

Hello i recived this mail?

Please tell me you are not dumb enough to fall for this. For one thing I bet Yahoo personnel could use better grammar.

This is what my hands look like?

my hands do that too but I don't know why :((( it probably has something to do with your circulation

Which boot do you think is better for this winter & still fashionable?

i liked the first one but depending on where you live it would be impracticable. i wouldn't be able to wear those because where i live there can be feet of snow on the ground, and i would fall. i say get them if you think you can walk in them. but don't buy them if you are not going to be able to wear them or do not like them, it would just be a waste of money.

CS:S Source Engine has me stumped. How do I get it faster?

OK, I'm getting really annoyed with Source Engine. My system is 1.7 GHz, 2 40GB HDs, 1GB PC133 RAM, and an AGP nVidia 5200 FX (DX 8) with 256 MB of video memory. Now, here's the interesting part. I only get about 2 FPS, but I have total overkill and run on lowest settings. I take this game, put it on a 1.6 GHz Laptop with 60 GB drive, 512 RAM, and 32 MB video RAM integrated nVidia (DX 8), and I can get close to 45 FPS on lowest settings. Both times, I was using a wireless network at 54MBs and good quality connections. Anyone know what I should do, or if not, what starting parameters I should use? Thanks in advance!

Would you consider 1997 to be the absolute hottest wrestling year of the 1990's?

it was but i think you are overrating the wwf that year as that was wcw's year. That was NWO v Sting through and through. Only good thing for WWF that year was mainly Austin v Bret. But i guuess you can definetly say that the seeds were starting for wwf to rise while the crap taht hogan did at starrcade not putting sting over clean was the start of the wcw down turn.

Difference between refugee/asylum seekers and opportunists?

The difference between the two can become blured. But true refugees / sylum seekers are fleeing persecution or even death in their own country and any application should be properly considered by the authorities. Opportunists are just trying to find another country - often the UK - where they can scrounge on the state and its citizens. They should be sent packing!

Why did he want to know if I thought he was attractive?

We all like to hear we're good-looking. Maybe he just needs to hear it. Maybe he just wants to see how bad you want him. But really, my guess, he just wants to know you're attracted to him.

What is an RF ablation of the lung?

This is a very new treatment, and apparently it has shown some success in treating cancer. Your mother will have a small probe inserted into her lung through the chest wall, and the nodule will be destroyed by using extreme temperatures, and/or microwave or something similar. I would think that the only complications might be bleeding, but I'm sure the medics will have that covered. I don't know about the post-op care. Good luck to you and your mother.

Is this a good pitching lineup?

I would try and get a more reliable closer to compliment Lidge since he tends to be unpredictable. Dontrelle is very unpredictable as to what is gonna happen this year, but your top 4 are very solid so you should be ok.

I'm feeling really depressed because I feel like my English is terrible. Help?

EVERYBODY makes mistakes. NOBODY speaks perfectly. Many native speakers I know speak far worse than I do, and I'm foreign. Stop beating yourself up, nobody's perfect.

Do you think the Texans beating the Patriots was good for the NFL?

As you can see my name is TexansFan, I think the patriots need to realize that they are the elite team in the nfl anymore. They might have been in the past, but certainly not now. I went for the texans game last Sunday and you cant even imagine what the texans defense did to the pats. So yes, it is a good thing.

What place would hire a 15 year old?

I just recently turned 15 and live in Morris, IL. What place would hire me? I was thinking Menards, ACE, or maybe Culvers? Idk. Any help would be nice!(:

Why would any women vote Democrat?

A lot of women, and men, hate America and are hoping freedom will be eliminated. They are spiteful and envious of people with abilities and talents, since they have neither. These are the types of women, and men, who vote for democrats.

What is the distance from san antonio to pierre?

To Pierre, South Dakota it is about 1,197 miles taking I-35N and it is about 1,161 miles taking US-83N. It takes around 20 hours to drive from San Antonio, TX to Pierre, South Dakota.

Popped vein in eye and spreading?

I have a clot of blood below my iris. So i thought I just popped a blood vessel, but when I woke up today I think the blood spread through the right corner of my eye. Could this be another vessel popped i the same eye? I've been coughing a lot because I have bronchitis. At first i thought it would heal in a few days or week but now it's starting to scare me that maybe it would get worse. Should I see a doctor?

Will you add albums to IMPROVE this list of AMAZING Electronic albums of the 70's?

you cant talk electronic albums without mentioning spooky tooth's album called "ceremony" ...dont know if you can sit through the whole album or not...and they were one of my favorite groups back in the day...

Liberals and Conservatives, is this prove enough that Martin Luther King was a right wing Conservative?

MLK was NOT a right-wing conservative and nothing in these words indicates that the opposite is true

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Boes a box hold more than is on its outside surface?

waht if a long time ago people got bored and ground up colors real small and put them in a little box of diffrent color,., and didi it alot becuase they controlled all the ideas with out companies and that is where we get chemical color turners from,., right like in order to get anew idea because i am sure people get get bored with the twenty or so things that people can make "it would really suck if people had one company for on ef everything)and so they left them their and talked about it and tryed to come up with something no one had ever seen before that was likee a cvolor in a box that is ia diffrent color,., that would explain why it is so easy for people to write all day,., and forget no one ever understand what they wrote,., except the headline,., do you wnat a 1<>L 4 deminsional world,. well thats ther controbution and my theory?thats what all the same type people sound like on yahoo,., you know all the comoputer geeks

What will the good folks of R&S be giving me to celebrate getting to Level 7?

I'm open to gifts of cash, fine jewelry, Italian sports cars, and promiscuous women; or any combination thereof.

Fair Trade? Who Wins?

It looks to me like team 1 gets the upper-hand in this trade. Both teams look pretty good, but team 1 looks slightly better.

For $100 would you do this?

Wear a San Diego chargers jersey to oakland stadium and walk through the crowd with a sign that said Chokeland sucks!! What would you will happen??

How can I get my cat to take a bath!?

My mom is telling me to give her a bath because she's starting to smell. I try to bathe her once a month but she won't sit still! I put in warm water and the soapy shampoo and I hold her in the tub, but she scratches and bites me until she wiggles away. I have even tried holding her down with gloves so the scratches and bites won't hurt but she still manages to get away. I've tried saying NO, smacking her backside, taking away her food and water, splashing water on her face, but nothing works, she won't stop wiggling and scratchhing!! I'm at the point where I had to lock her in the carrier and did her in the water for her last bath. What can I do??

I have a question about eyebrows?

First of all, you should probably have eyebrows that thick. To fill in the blank areas underneath your eyebrows, you can use an eyebrow pencil. Usually this gives the appearance of well-groomed eyebrows and it really makes a difference to the face.

Right, shortist of names ... comments welcome :)?

I love Scarlett, Belle, Aurora and Tabitha for a girl. Juliet is okay, but personally I'm not keen on the name Ingrid. Blake is adorable for a little boy, and Jesse and Harvey are okay too. Personally, I prefer Quin for a girl, and I think Raphael sounds a little girlie - it's definitely unusual, but I prefer it as a middle name. Frasier just reminds me of the TV show, but other than that I can't think of any negative connotations for any of the names. I can't think of any bad nicknames either - I love Rory for Aurora though. I think Scarlett Belle or Aurora Belle and Blake Harvey would be adorable together for twins. :]

Help me make a nickname for my science teacher?

In everycl our teach mr lubbe(loobie) makes nicknames for every1 for ex. armpit alec, hairy hector, oyster girl, cat man, spamminator, dynodylan ect. wierd names like that and i want to make up a name for him since he makes names for us but the years b4 ppl have called him mr lubricator/lubrication mr loogie lubinator..i want to make up a nickname for him so far i got lubbe tuesday lol but i cant think of anymore..any ideas?

I think I'm anorexic, but?

I think that this is something you need to watch. If your fainting etc , then your obviously not getting enough calorie intake. You need to go and see a doctor, you cant just wait until you fall in the "underweight" category until you do something about it. Its good that you realise that there's something wrong. That's the first step to recovery. Don't listen to your mum, shes obviously in denial about the whole thing. Your doctor will be able to refer you to a specialist so you can talk about the issues your having. Your mum doesn't have to know. I would personally tell a close friend that you trust, just for support, as you will need it. You need to change the way you think about food and the way you feel about yourself. That's very difficult when your in that situation. Im currently recovering for bulimia and telling a doctor was the best thing i could have possibly done. You don't have to be underweight to be ill. Why don't you print this question off and take it to your doctor to read, its sometimes easier than actually telling them what the problem is. The fact that your not having periods, worries me, you need to get that sorted as in the future you may want to start a family. Its all about building your self esteem back up, once you have achieved this, the whole weight thing will sort its self out. Hope this helps!

What Beethoven song is this?

I have to put you straight. It is NOT a 'song'. Do you hear a voice? Any words? No! Then it cannot possibly be a song, for a voice and words are essential components of this art form. It is far better to refer to a 'piece', a 'work' or a 'composition'. But NEVER a song (unless it IS one, of course!).

How do deal with a boyfriend who refuses to give up pills?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6yrs. Just recently pills have become a hugh problem for us. I tried for a few months to keep my mouth shut and let him have it. I thought it was something that would past. But it was just got wrose. It's not as bad as it could be but I dont want it to get that bad. I have seen people on this and what can happen and I dont want that for him or me. He had agreed to slow down but then he started lying and hiding it from me. So when he did actually slow down, I still got mad cause I dont trust him to tell me the truth. Then the **** hit the fan a few weeks ago, and I moved out of our home for the last 3yrs. We have been trying to work this out but I dont know. He said he would quit if I moved back but I wont cause I was afraid that it would only last until I did move back in. Well he quit for a week (if he wasnt lying/hiding it from me) but then yesturday he was looking for it again. Most of the week he quit, he wouldnt even smile at me. When he thought he might be getting the stuff he was in a good mood, then when it didnt go through, he was in a bad mood again. He said he might get one today, so I told him that I wasnt going to see him today because if he was going to do it I didnt want to be around and to call me when it was gone, I told him I loved him and to just be careful. He never even responded. I truely feel that if he loved me he would quit but he feels like if I loved him I would just deal with it. I have no idea what to do. I love him so much, and I want to try everything before I just give up on him. But its getting to the point where there are days where I just dont care and Im so angry! There was a point in time that he hated people who were doing the things he's doing now. I just dont understand. This could take him away from me, and he just seems not to care. I have no idea what Im doing or what I need to do. Can someone please help me?

I am the Grandmother who asked for help with my daughter-in-law not allowing my granddaughter (5 mos) over at?

our house to visit - never been to our home (7 mi.) I wish to thank all folks who sent answers. Sorry I could not choose the best answer as I was away & not feeling well. I would like to thank LindyLou, Nevit, NewNana,Zen,Caligirl82,thee wokprincess,MomBear,jmd72inva,The Scorpion & ModdedMama. You all wrote great answers & helped me so much. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to my Question. I will keep asking questions about this issue. Thanks out there....

Whats your favorite funny Quote or Saying about men!!!!!!!?

"Give a man an inch and he thinks he's a ruler." I don't know who said it, but it's awfully true.

Trying to explain why I got upset, I went on and on and insulted someone I care for?

Best to just apologize sincerely for the way you said things, apologize for insulting him and something like "I had no right to berate you like that and for that I apologize." That is not saying you think you're wrong, but it is apologizing for what appears to be one heck of a slandering. Definitely take the initiative, god won't help you out here and your friend won't know if that's the only entity you apply to for forgiveness. Best to make your apology and end the friendship.

If he said he doesn't think he can be my boyfriend because he is super busy, is he dumping me?

I think that he is pretty much dumping you. Its a fresh relationship. Dont take things to the heart, give him space, maybe he really is just busy. Keep an open mind. Good luck.

Atheists: my atheist, daughter, Mary, is considering leaving your club but she told me she worries...?

about how her atheist, , biker-gang comrades will take the news. She fears it may become violent. I'm just enthralled at the prospect of getting her back into the loving, blinding-light of Jesus' love and want to protect her at all costs now. I'll worry about the thing later (much, much prayer). But, atheists, how do you treat ex-atheists once you find out they've betrayed you by deciding not to go to hell with you?

About how much money will it cost to have an auto mechanic to install a 23 piece turbo in my 94 probe?

Unless this is a track car only no one will touch it as it voids the emission certification on the car. Real men [and women] install their own turbos. Man [or woman] up!

Where is Osama Bin Laden?

Is he already playing poker with Elvis and Saddam or does he giving little children a fright in the ghost train?

Anyone need rune ess im minning it by the thousands in runescape?

my user name muffinking27 [lvl 25 add me] i will be on worlds 55-76-110-10 iwill be playing 12:00-5:00 ea time to contact me for help or ess e mail me at i also adventurquest{lvl 34 mage muffinman389} i am alsogame tester and 8th level cheat code master by rpg standered game testing reveiw i have beat fable and fable lost chapters and star wars knights of the old republic the sith lords [and the first one as well] ive played ,gamecube ,xbox ,xbox 360 ,ps1 ,ps2 ,ps2 slim,psp ,gameboy color ,gameboy pocket ,game boy sp ,gameboy ds ,pc,orig atari,walmart atari,nintendo,orig nintendo,super nintendo,n64 ext as you can see im qualified for any questions you need answers for

What is your bracket record so far?

Great! I nailed some upsets and I also [Editor's Note: Remainder of answer cut because no one REALLY cares]

Are these the purposes of human life?

Sounds good to me, but number 1 is have a strong relationship with Christ, and he will help you with the rest, if you ask.

Um... I'm meeting my mom... my real mom... read first before you advise.?

first of all im sorry for your situation and that i believe there is no right or wrong answer here. it is what you think is right. i think you should talk to her and tell her how you feel. tell her you dont want to go, you have a great life, and explain to her all your feelings towards her. dont blow up cuz it could just make things worse. i hope i helped and good luck

Boyd Kicked At Crucial Moment?

Yip as i have always said mate 'Big Boydie only scores against the wee shlty teams' Why cant that lot see it ?

A few questions about Bruno and Sacha Baron Cohen?

sacha baron cohen, obviously seems very devoted to his work, since he did show his throughout bruno. He was hilarious in borat and is brilliant in the al i g show. But i noticed that he tends to push things as far as possible, when it comes to the vulgarity and shock factor. I don't think he's gay, i just think he tries way to hard, which is good i guess.........

What is the political affiliation of most Americans?

More Americans identify themselves as Democrats than as Republicans. The gap varies between 14 points and 6 points in recent polls.

Is Obama Trying to Destroy Our Country?

Yes he is trying to break us down to the point everyone is equal except the government. I highly recommend you read the new Mark Lavin book and it will explain a good deal of it.

When do children stop using pacifiers?

On Toddlers and Tiaras, there is a girl on there, Mackenzie(not sure how you spell that), but she calls her pacifier Ni Ni, and she is 4 years old. I'm not sure if that is good? What is the average age your child STOPS using a pacifier?

Which brand is Nathalie Kelley's T-Shirt in Bruno Mars Just The Way You Are Video?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What's the wierdest movie death that you've seen?

I'd probably go with Emanuelle Chriqui's death in the first Wrong Turn. She's standing on a tree branch leaning up against the trunk of the tree when you see an axe come up and it goes right into her mouth, leaving her head from the mouth up resting on the axe while the rest of her body falls about 50 feet to the ground, hitting every branch.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What's your guys problem? - Cousin Couples?

I got a friend who told me not to come here, but I did anyway.I was looking at her page and saw some of the horrible mean stuff you said to her all because she loves her cousin [first cousin, once removed]! I know there are a whole bunch of people out there in the world, but she has no interest in them! You guys may say "ewww" or "gross" and stuff like that, but if you saw the way some people get when taling about who they love, you would say that. So he's family, big deal! I just don't see the problem here. I understand not agreeing with cousins being together, I was shocked when I was told, but to be so mean about it is just plain wrong! I'm happy she's in love at all; she rejects almost any form of human contact as-is, so personal-wise I couldn't be more happy for her. They didn't grow-up together even, he lives in another state. She only sees him once a year, but they spend a lot of time together. He doesn't know about her yet. And I dont like my cousin. [Lemme do an detail edit]

Has any remember selena Quintanilla Perez ?

Yes i remember her i watch her movie faithfully that is so sad that her istant did that to her i cry every time i see the ending of that movie...

Do u think chris angel is the antichrist?

Because if u go to youtube than type in chris angel. youll see is it him 10 stars for good complete answer

What is Dictatorship?

These are all forms of government, i.e. ways that countries are run. A monarchy is simply a country which has a king or a queen (sometimes another term is used, e.g. emperor in Japan). That person is considered the head of state and has inherited the position -- they are not elected. A monarchy can be a country where the monarch actually has real political power or, as is the case in most monarchies today, is only symbolic, like in Britain. A Theocracy is a country where there is no distinction between church and state. The head of the official church is also, typically, the head of the state. The church rules the country. Puritan New England was sort of a theocracy as was Utah when the Morman church was completely in charge. Iran today is sort of a theocracy. A dictatorship is a country where one person is in charge with very few other sources of politial power. Often that person is in charge because he overthrew the previous government, but people can be elected to office and then become dictators. Nazi Germany was a dictatorship under Hitler and Cuba pretty much a dictatorship under Castro. An Absolute Monarchy is in a sense a country where the King is the Dictator. The king (or queen sometimes) has pretty much complete power. These are mostly only of historical interest now. So France in the time of Louis XIV was an absolute monarchy. Russia under the Czars was an absolute monarchy almost right down to the end.

Im starten to think all my bf wants is webby?

Wat do i do my bff of a month and a half and i talk all the time but every time we do talk he is always asking for webby and talking dirty im 13 and dont know wat do do but i did webby wiv him b4 and all he wanted me to do was show him my b**bs and my p**sy and im scared wat that lead to wen we get together so weneva i meet up with him my best frend comes and we never leve eachothers side as im 13 i am a virgin and he keep saying he wants to pop my cherry i dont wanna do that sorta stuff with him i wanna ind a guy thats doing it coz he loves me not coz he wants me bf is christian aswell do christian have a law about at such a younge age aswell as it illegal wat do i dump him or stay with him im kinda scared :S

aholic stopping 2 months EXACTLY?

Hi I'm a oholic with my Girlfriend and myself were safe but it has started to affect our lives if were ever around eachother well find any place rooms,bathrooms,and more and have for about 1-2 hours or a quicky and when were not having im jacking So than one say after a good time in the bed with Jess i decided Right there no More or Masturbation for 2 months my question is will this affect my health im going to start tommorow wensday at 5:00 PM

When Will Apple Open A Store In Winnipeg MB?

All we have is a machelper, and the people there can't tell leopard from a leopard (if you pardon the pun) if you know, that would be great.

A good name for a magician?

My little brother is 12 and is a little magician! We want to come up with a cool magician name for him...and are having trouble! His name is James Jennings Renshaw...any ideas?

Did m appear to be conserved during this chemical reaction?

In other words, did it look like there was more or less m than what you started with.Simply describe what you saw, not what you think should have happened.

Why are we involved in libya and not syria?

about 300 people have been killed in the past two weeks in syria. why are we helping libyan rebels out and not syrian? both leaders are killing "innocent" protestors, but we only help one country. why? is it because libya has more oil? (i persoanlly think we shouldnt have helped libya at all so dont give me BS about how america shouldnt be world polica, cuz yur only preaching to the choir, but this question came acorss my mind when i saw the syria issue in the newspaper)

What is an illegal domain name regarding trademark?

I have registered domain names for an upcoming release of a product. The release has been known for quite some time and surprisingly, the domains were available. I would like to know if there are certain domains that are illegal, if I'm planning to offer a service related to the products trademarked name.

Anyone speak Romanian?

My dad was born in Romania and I was wondering about phrases he says. I know very little Romanian but my dad generally tells what he is saying if I ask. However, no matter how much I beg, he will not teach me curse words even though I am a grown man. All I know is that they have something to do with a dog. I can only spell these phonetically: "Peez da mutteeh the caine" and "Foo-tus verro mutteeh the caine" I hope someone can finally tell me what these phrases mean.

What is the major product for the following reaction? (Organic Chem)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Nintendo DS...?

Ii highly recommend the following games....Mario Kart Ds New Super Mario Bros. Pokemon pearl/diamond Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourgl Animal Crossing Mario Party Ds.

Which birkenstock looks the best?

I personally like Numbers 3 and 4 but if you are going to be doing a lot of walking id say no. 3! good luck!

I got a job offer in CZECH REPULIC in Euro. I am a family person. Pls let me know the cost of living?

Go to under stuff for teachers, international forum and look up your country. You will find many posts from people who currently live there. You can register to post your own questions as well. The site is clean and safe and you will find valuable information.

Can a lender of a car go after the real estate property owned by wife & husband if they can't pay?

My friend was diagnosed with colon cancer a year ago. He recently bought an expensive truck (without a co-signer/co-maker). However, he owns 3 more cars + 1 house (conjugal property). My question is - if he died from his current sickness, will the lender of the truck (credit union) go after the property of my friend? or will they just reposses the truck? His wife is thinking that since her name is not in the contract of the truck, she won't have any problem - her credit won't be affected. Is she correct? Can the credit union put a lien of the real estate property of my wife's friend? Thanks.

What the heck?! why did itunes raise songs prices?!?

They did it because of growing pressure from recording labels. Recording companies have been demanding for years that Apple raise it's prices or offer multiple price variations, and they've finally won. Apple announced a few months ago that the will have three different prices: $.69, $.99, and $1.29.

Can I take the SAT and the ACT tests?

I'm going to be a sopre in high school next year, so I'm taking the PLAN and the PSAT, as well as when I'm a junior. But I haven't been able to get a clear answer from anyone--can I take both the SAT and the ACT when my senior year rolls around? Yes, I understand all of the differences between them and the advantages of each, but i just need to know if I'm allowed to take both. Thanks!

Who thinks serial killers are part of the.....?

antichrist? I think Kalifornia dude said some of them are.I think steve harvey said "all of them." I think serial killers like ted bundy and richard ramirez are apart of the antichrist. I think ted bundy is satan. They probably asked their victims to accept satan as their lord. I heard ramirez did that.

Good songs for my mp3 player-help!?

im bored of the songs on my mp3 player and need inspiration-can you help? i like pop,rock,a bit of indie,hip-hop even not the moment i have a selection on it like foo fighters,beyonce, bob dylan, jay z, gwen stefani, idlewild.i have looked at chart sites but have exhausted my options.any ideas? new and old songs

Who should I start this week for my Fantasy Football team?

You're correct on all counts here. Good job! Walter or Houshmandzadeh is a toss up; but then again Walter is going against a pourous Arizona defense; where Andre Johnson should get more attention -- thus leaving Walter to have a big game. So you've done very well here. Good luck.

What are some good songs of 2009 ?

I am down loading new songs to my IPod but i don't really know what songs. I am into Black eye peas, Kanye West, Chris Brown, Kelly Clarkson, Jordin Sparks, Lil Wayne, and T.I. Stuff like rap, rock, and sometimes pop.

I don�t understand this guy. I tried!?

i think sadly, he has a very strange and awkward way of showing he likes you, obviously he does. however, if hes one of those popular boys, maybe hes just trying to anoy you. but i doubt it.

Is it okay to switch the crock pot from low to high in order to finish it on time?

I've got it on low now and I want it to be finished when my boyfriend gets home from work (it's cold and rainy today - he's gonna love coming home to it). Can I switch it to high and just cut the cooking time in half in order to have it done when I want?

Since Chrisians believe there is no sin in Heaven and no breaking of God's Laws in Heaven and no Free Will in?

Since Chrisians believe there is no sin in Heaven and no breaking of God's Laws in Heaven and no Free Will in Heaven and the Bible says God kicked Satan and many Angels out of Heaven does that make God and his Heaven the Kingdom of Heaven a Dictator and a Dictatorship ?

Possible reception and ceremony locations in Cleveland?

I currently live in Indiana but I'm planning a wedding for next August in Cleveland. I am not very familiar with areas for receptions or ceremonies. There are things we for sure DO NOT want: no hotels, no churches, no "reception halls", meaning no tacky floral carpet or concrete floors. I have toured a few places I like: sammys in the flats, spaces art gallery, and grays armory. But I would still like to keep my options open and search for that "perfect" place for our special day. Cost is definitely a big concern also, so we would like to spend no more than $1000 for rental. If anyone could give me any ideas, i would be all eyes!

Is it through that Czech republic is dangerous to visit based on the film of Hostel?

anybody knows the film of Hostel 1 & 2 because i just wanna clarify if it really happens in Czech Republic same on that brutal and gore film? please help!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is ideology what makes a black man a black?

According to Leftists the litmus test for whether or not you're an authentic black man is if your ideology is Left. Otherwise you're an Uncle Tom and a sellout. EG> Herman Cain is in the running for Republican nomination and is blacker than Obozo as anybody with atleast one good eye can tell, but he'll be labeled as inauthentic by the Left because Cain is conservative. So apparently in order to REALLY be black, you need to be a leftist. If I was black I would find this mentality of expected group think among blacks as insulting my intellect.

I'm 18 and Love Hello Kitty...?

Is it stupid or kid_ish if i love hello kitty? and when i say im obsessed i mean i have EVERYTHING of hello license plate, PJ's, Phone, Room, etc. honestly in your case is it too kid_ish for an 18 year old to LOVEEEE hello kitty?

How can I become more comfortable speaking in cl?

I am an English major and much of the curriculum revolves around discussions -- most in which I don't participate . I find it overwhelmingly difficult to articulate when I am called upon. It's even hard to speak when I am certain I have something profound to say. There are times when I have been called upon to speak and have made clear and thoughtful statements so I know it is in me to be able to speak. How can I make it easier for myself to speak in cl without being afraid and losing my thoughts?

Bah, enlightenment is bullshit?

progression, wisdom, creative and different thinking. its all here, if you choose to enlighten yourself.

Why should we spend money and time saving less adaptive species?

If humanity is part of evolution and we have shaped our environment to suit our survival, why should we spend money and time on conserving other animal species that cannot adapt quick enough to us ?

According to the law of conservation of m, is m conserved in a chemical reaction?

According to the law of conservation of m, is m conserved in a chemical reaction? Does Dalton’s atomic model support the law of conservation of m?

Why are white guys afraid to admit they love black girls, or do they?

like idk if its just me, i havent ever had a boyfriend yet. but im extremly attraceted and only want a white guy, im not rasict, its just perference. and i have white guys flirt with me all the time, stare at me (hell, to be honest ive got 5 white guys so far to crush on me this year), or theyll check me out at the store. but they never have the guts to ask out. at my school all you see is black boys and white girls now. and i only know one black girl and white guy couple. ive heard that white guys dont like black girls at all, but thats not at all true, there always flirting with me and i dont think its because im a light skin yellow black person. but why are they afraid to admit it, and do you think they do??

Honda Prelude vs. Pontiac gto?

could a 1996 honda prelude with a turbo set to 8psi, cold air intake, cat back exhaust, headers, performance chip, stage 2 clutch and short shifter run and possibly beat a 2004 pontiac gto ls1 engine with headers and a cold air intake? prelude 5spd gto auto.

White thing in my eye?

I just woke up &i found this white in the corner of my right eye. Its about the size iof a sharpened pencil tip. What is it&what should i do about it??? Please help!!! Thanks. (:


you have linkage issues...look under your car and check the linkage to make sure it idnt bent will be pretty obvious if it is messed might also look inside the car and make sure nothing fell into the embly

Dont u think jbl was better with ron simmons in APA?

absolutley there is no comparrison. the APA was awesome!!!! i wish he would stop being such a horses a** and be the funny guy he is. they are so annoying these days.

What's the limiting reactant in the reaction between Ba2NO3 and H2SO4 and how do i determine it?

First you write the reaction, then you see which reactant is present in the least amount (moles). So you have Ba(NO3)2 + H2SO4 --> BaSO4 + 2HNO3. The problem will tell you how many grams of each reactant there is. Then you calculate moles of each, and since the ratio is 1:1 you can see which is present in the least, or liminitng amount.

How do you calm down an adult dog?

go into a room where there isn't really anywhere to hide for him and sit down and wait for him to come to you. when he behaves like this don't go near him or pat him because you are actually reinforcing this behavior. don't reward him with affection for a behavior you don't want.

The effects of reading?

well i guess reading has more of an effect than watching tv and playing video games. it will help your spelling/grammar

Why do B.N.P. supporters call the same people fascist AND communist?

I should remind you yamster that this is not the united state of Texas Georgia ,Alabama it's the United State of America we are a union so when you see these other state experience a slow economic recovery it effect the entire country .

How does the relative humidity change in a closed system with a change in temperature?

I am trying to determine the change in relative humidity in a closed system (constant volume-jar) with a change in temperature. I know the relative humidity at the initial temperature (RH-40% Temp=35oC) and need to determine the RH at the final temperature of 10oC. The pressure in the jar at the beginning of the test is umed to be at atmospheric conditions 101.325kPa.

What do you suppose gives Stephen King nightmares?

I love him too & I'd imagine that something like working a boring 9 to 5 job, wearing a suit, and droning alone might scare him some.

My roommate is really sick(bronchitis) doesnt take pill or cover her mouth? I cant get sick what should i do?

take zinc pills, they can be found at a drug store. and i would advise maybe staying with another friend or getting a hotel, or something until she is better

How will I find the length of the side of the pentagon whose radius is 5cm using the Law of Sine? No angle gvn?

The question goes like this: "A regular pentagon is inscribed in a circle whose radius is 5 cm. Find the length of the side p of the pentagon by using the Law of Sines." Only two sides were given with no angles at all. How am I going to solve this using the Law of Sine?

How do I use a USB Flash Drive?

I Have windows XP Internet explorer 8 .I have No Idea How to Use this thingamajig .I want to use it to transfer or save /backup my folder/files and photos .How do you do this process? Are there tutorials ? All jokes aside in Nov/Dec 2005 I got a brand new dell i knew nothing about computers not even how to turn it on.So I went to the library got two Books Honestly PCs for Dummies & Windows XP for Dummies. Now Im not so computer illiterate .But as soon as I get the newest info its now the not so new info. So any help id appreciate .Thank you

Fun Summer/Love Music!

Leigh Nosh has Great Music! I was wondering if you know any good songs, that are perfect for the summer mood! some that talk about the beach, fun, and all that! I love the songs "Ocean Size Love" and "My idea of Heaven." I do not like Disney Music, or any popular music! I do know MCR, coldplay, and many more! I want music that has piano in it! Please also some love songs!

For my statistics coursework HELP!!?

I think a histogram can work- reaction time on the y axis and the two variables you mentioned on the x axis. Remember that you can put two bars on a histogram to indicate boys and girls on the same chart.

Do you think this is fair!?!?!?!?

OK, so im in the 6th grade and 2 of my friends are in cheerleading like me for my school, so we have to go to daycare after the buses leave and we forgot about that so we took like 5 minutes to change and we were on our way to daycare, and then one of the guys gave me a note saying tell terena[my friend] i wanna kiss her so im like k, and so it took like 2 minutes and i hooked them up, so then theres my homeroom teacher and the pincipal saying u should be in daycare, blabla u could get kidnapped and we got A WEEK OF LUNCH DETENTION! and then we went to daycare and the buses leave at 3:05 it was 3:12!!!!!!!!!!!!! i usually ge in there at 3:30 and they dont care, I HATE EM!!!!

How do players like kobe, lebron, and wade compare to the players of old?

players like wilt chamberlain, larry bird, magic johnson, tim duncan, shaq... they all have had their eras, but today's players are also unique... do you think kobe, lebron, and wade can surp players like bill russell, kareem abdul-jabbar, and even michael jordan...?

Do healer Paladins need strength?

I'm just wondering before I need on something I may not need. Do healer Paladins need strength as well or just focus on Intellect and spirit?

People say the Falcons got lucky.......?

It was a fantastic game and both teams had their share of lucky moments, like every game. You could say the Saints were lucky for recovering on that ridiculous punt play, or for Ryan missing Douglas for the win by about an inch and a half. Like one of the commentators said, it was one of the best pure football games I've seen in a while.

Places to visit in and around Las Vegas?

Check out the attractions and tour link on a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is science eating the lunch of religion (see below)?

Science is not possible without God. He constructed it. Science does not disprove God and never will.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How can I prevent blade rusting?

You should definitely get your blades sharpened to remove the rust. The thing about rust is that once it starts its hard to remove. You sound like your treating your blades well so when you get your blades sharpened you should ask the workers at the pro shop for advice. Good luck.

Lotto #'s for 10-01-2007 & 10-02-2007 in illinois?

check out a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Question about the Book of Mormon and the Islamic Quran/Koran, for Christians?

You are going to have to do an extensive study on it. I did but it's too much to try to relate on Q&A

Why do people do things like hazing,police brutality etc?

Whats the cause of things like hazing,police brutality etc?Why do people do things like that and torture etc?is it that theyre taking their anger out on something but isnt that like sadistic?How does one make sure they never become like that?

Yo yo yo yo. i need helppp????

Hey, in the time it took to type this you could have studied for the test! Do your own work! Getting the answers only cheats you. If you don't understand, tell you parents/teachers you need more review.

What does these 'spots' mean?

I have a cat. Its a siberian cat. you know those very hairy cats? well i have one. its a gray young male. he is soon going to be 2 years. His name is Bruno and its a home/inside cat. He's castrated and have no other animal around since I live in a small department with no yard. so the question is, I've notice that some yellowish spots are growing in his ear skin, i mean inside his ears. first it was only on the right ear, then the spots appeared on both ears, these spots have started to appear since maybe october from last year. since they are definitely not going away Im a bit concerned about the issue. please let me know anything you might know about these case. :)

Can president hu jintao of china speak english?

I've seen pictures of the president of china and obama having conversations does that mean that he speaks english? or that obama speaks chinese?

Finding someones IP address if you have their AOL screen name?

i have the person's screen name and they also have an AOL lifestream profile which they update once in awhile, however i dont know who the user is. They ually hared me online, and they know who i am. is there anyway i can find their IP address or who the sn belongs to? would anyone help me do this?

Which guinea pig name do you like the best?

I like cheerio(: or puddle,cloud,smudge i really love for boy piggies! bibbles is okay but,not me fave. hope i win!

How much less would've The Dark Knight made if Heath Ledger had not starred in the movie? Or if he had but was

I just wonder exactly how many people went to see the movie because of the fact that Heath was in it, or the fact that he has ped away. What would the projected box office be had he not been involved?

I have heard of black people being different and now i believe it?

Black people I have noticed is very open to talking about anything and they can make you want to talk about when you didn't want to begin with it. Being raised around whites I was scared to talk about my life with my boyfriend I've been with for almost 2 years, and he can get me to talk about in front of anybody. Which I like about most blacks they say what's on they mind and they don't care what other's think, which I feel like most people need to be like that that. Where I work at there are all white people besides me i'm a server and a black busser and he be having them white people in there talking about EVERYTHING that shouldn't be talked about at work.

Is it to late to save my indoor palm tree?

i have an indoor palm tree that seems to be dead. the the way it happened is that my cat started to use the dirt in the pot as a litter box. the plant started to stink so we put it out in our garage until we could re-pot it. One day my son comes home and leaves the garage door open making it susceptible to the freezing temperatures outside. the plant is now wilted and has an extremely pale complexion on the stem of the tree. i was wondering if i could just cut the plant off at the base and hope it will grow back or is it too late?

I pod touch....? Wi fi?

try putting "admin" as the pword and the user name blank if its a no go put it as the user name and leave the p blank. I believe thats the standard p before someone sets their own

Ever notice how people are in love with love?

like when my first bf asked me out i was sitting in cl the next day and this girl turns around to talk to me and was all, hey Em, heard about you and Jason, so cute! Or like how it doesnt matter what your bf does for you, if you tell someone about it theyll be all awwwww how sweet!Or how if your bf walks you to cl someone will make a comment about how adorable you are together. (Even if you two arent that cute of a couple) just wanted to see if any of you guys have noticed this. How people love the idea of love

Why does a guy's body matter so much to girls?

ooo, dont say that i bet ur cute and donnt judge urself ok dont care wat guys say bout u just know god made u tha way u r and u will get married no doubt i mean wat girl dosnt want a tall guy? im 5'5and im tall too but its normal cuz all my family is tall lol so dont feel bad its ok to b tha way u are hun if girls think ur attractive and u dont then just get that thot out of ur maind k? when i was11 i was 5'2 and i was 115 pounds but i was still beutiful and i was and i am not fat at all ppl wanted me 2 gaine weight but i tried.... it didnt werk cuz i had a high metabalizm and i kinda still do. be happy cuz i bet they r just jelouse of u ok?............ and i doubt ull b a virgin and try to lift wieghts if u wanna b muscular... but no steroids. well thats wat i got 4 ya. think about it k?

Matial Art opinions?

Hello all I have been doing some research recently on which martial art to go into. I have trained before and have about 10 yrs experience under my belt ( Various Northeren Kung Fu styles mainly). Problem is I stopped training for a while and am now in the process of getting back in shape to go into the art of my choosing. I do know my preparation is unnecessary and I should dive back into training but, I am still uncertain as to what art I am interested in training in. Any hoo on the the specifics. :) I am not very interested in throwing ppl around or choking them for that matter. I am more of a striker but, not so much a kicker (waist level and below preferred) . I would prefer traditional but am open to anything at this point. I would not care if it were a hard or soft style or a mixture of both. I am getting older unfortunatly and feel as if my time is running out as I would love to retire and teach someday. So far from some japanese arts are interesting not so much the high kicks.

Recommended smart phones to replace a PDA?

Well if you are not looking for a phone aswell you could just get the iPod Touch althought it does not have Microsoft Applications you can email things that you can type really fast on its easy to use and correcting keyboard or if you want all that and a phone get the iPhone there both there when you need them trust me!

What is a 'hateful lemming'?

Quoted from Elton John on his desire to ban all religions because they created hateful lemmings. I am not familiar with the term.

Mature games?????????????????????????…

wat are some PS3 M games that arent too bloody,gory. Kinda like COD4( have it) ( i posted this already just wanted some other answers too)

Motorcycle wont idle?

Before I saw your additional details, I was already thinking valve adjustment. Do the valve adjustment and then check compression, it should be 100psi minimum, but preferably north of 150 psi.

Ps3 question help!!!!!?

In the game haze, when u play multiplayer will u be able to choose if you want to be a mantel soldier or a rebel?

Bleeding during ual ?

My husband and I just tried to have but, I started bleeding. And still am. I am only 20 so it can't be menopause. it was pink in color. I got over my period a week ago. We had 2 days ago and nothing. It didn't hurt and we didn't use lubrication but there was no need. He wasn't rough or anything. I don't have any stds nor him it wasn't him that was bleeding. I looked everything up online and i can't find what it could be I have been ually active for almost 2 years. he is the only man I have slept with PLZ HELP ME!!!

Best way to clean/sharpen my paper stumps or tortillons?

Tried scalpel and electric sharpeners, not good results, any more ideas? Peeling also does not work.

Would you proofread my resume? Does it p the sniff test? 10 pts?

You have a good resume with alot of work experience. To help improve your resume at the top, under "Qualifications" I would make it personal according to the company you are applying for. For instance, I would say " I am a Information Techonologist looking to work for_________ where I can apply my many skills in the company....etc..etc. By making it personal it shows that you have an interest in this one company and not any company that will hire you. I hope this helps and good luck.

Check Errors For My Essay Pls..It is Due later Today!....?

Your essay seems good, but you should probably indent your paragraphs, so that it doesn't look like a long run on.

What are something you can do to make you hair grow ?

I heard if you wash your hair with really cold water it grows faster. I've done it and it works for me but I don't know if it always works.

What are some really good teen books?

ok well ive already read Twilight and im rlly over it. Im not into fantasy that much i enjoy real-life fiction and romance novels.( i rlly enjoyed a walk to remember and forever by judy blume.) But if you know of any rlly good books that don't fall into the genres i typically like then go on and tell me because ill read it if its a rlly good book.

Demigod Piper in The Lost Hero?

In The Lost Hero, nobody knows who Piper's Olympian parent is. I want everybody's opinion is on who it might be. Jason describes her as beautiful, smart, and violent. To me that sounds like a daughter of Athena, but she might be like a pretty daughter of Ares! I want your opinion!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Great Relationship at the brink?

The first thing to do, is to stop lying to yourself. When a relationship is on the brink, it means it was at one time a great relationship but it's not anymore.

Have you ever felt so sad and distraught over something so seemingly simple?

When i was 3, my aunt gave me a stuffed lamb that i absolutely loved. I've had it for 18 years now and i still take it out when i'm having a really bad day. well the other night, it was one of those days so i looked for it in my room and couldnt find it anywhere. i figured i just misplaced it so i went to bed without it (very upset i might add. had a hard time sleeping). the next day i asked my mother if she had seen it and when she didnt answer me right away i knew something was wrong. she eventually told me the cat had found it and got mud on it SO SHE THREW IT AWAY!!!!! she said it wasnt worth keeping!!!!! what the hell is that??? i couldve washed it. not only that, but she threw it away without my permission OVER A MONTH AGO and didnt tell me because she knew i'd be mad. uh...yeah!!! well that stuffed lamb was the last little piece of my childhood i had left.. and now its gone. i will never see it again. i cannot tell you how absolutely heart broken i am about it. i never grew an attachment to anything as a child. never had a pacifier or a blankie ever. that lamb was it. and even all our childhood pictures were destroyed in a flood. i have nothing left... sounds stupid but i sobbed when she told me she threw it away and ive been crying about it on and off since. i looked online and found the type of stuffed animals on ebay but i cant find the lamb one anywhere. not that it would make a difference because its not the one i grew up with but it would be nice to have one again.... I'm so distraught and heart broken about the loss of my lamb. :'( am i being crazy? can i ever forgive my mother?

Why last Thursday "turkey day" CW did not play a new episode of smallville?

What?! L0l My bf said he had to leave early to see Smallville & that he had missed so many episodes. H e went on and on talking about how every show is online EXCEPT Smallville. I thought he wanted to see the new episode but a new one's not even on? L0l I guess he meant he wanted to catch well, strikes are at leaast good in that respect..letting ppl catch up.

Who are the most under-rated and over-rated presidents of all time? Why?

JFK is obviously over rated. He was only in office for less than 3 years. His death was a tragedy but it has caused him to be remembered for more than he really did. I agree that Eisenhower was under rated.

Are humans simply a part of nature, or are we spiritual?

I agree, but nature is also a part of the supernatural. Without nature, there wouldn't be supernature. I guess you can only explain nature in terms of our physical nature, but there's also esoteric things going on we don't know about, such as reincarnation.

Recommend an organic chemistry book to me?

I'm a (hopefully bright) high school student. I don't have much of a background in chemistry. I'm interested in drug synthesis (isn't every high schooler?) Recommend a book, please? Whatever's well written.

Do people still wear birkenstock ?

Those things are hideous. 'Nuff said. The fact that AE is trying so hard to promote these is pathetic. Then again, their clothes are just pathetic.

I got this?

i didn't read the whole thing but hb the original Nintendo. Night vision goggles. ummm a nice ghillie suit.

What is your opinion...The "Big Three" TV networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have seen their share of.....?

The "Big Three" TV networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have seen their share of the viewing market decline steadily over the past three decades. Is it time to throw in the towel on broadcast television and reallocate TV's electromagnetic spectrum space, or is there still a relevant role being served by broadcast television?

Anyone know the best way for me to finance my plan for global domination?

My friend and were discussing schemes to conquer the world and we found the planning stages to be quite burdensome. So much to take into consideration! Our ultimate goal is to obtain enough financing to build a weapon capable of deflecting an asteroid to put it on a collision course with the planet Earth. With this technology we could easily hold the entire planet hostage and enslave the entire human race. Any ideas how we could finance this? Thanks, everyone.

C 14 is an isotope of C 12. Both carbon atoms have an atomic number of 6.?

C14 is an isotope of c12, but with a weight of 14, due to 2 neutrons extra. C14 is radioactive, decaying naturally.

I have lost my ollie on a skateboard, help please!?

well i have been skating for about 3 weeks and 2 days ago i learnt how to ollie i was consistantly ollieing about 2 inches high. now i get them like 3/10 times? whats happened and how can i fix this. im goofy btw

Is there a way to create tags for mp3 files from just the title?

I have about 500 mp3s that are labeled "track #-Artist-Title", but the tags have been lost, so when I import them to ITunes, they just show up in that format. I'd REALLY rather not have to go track-by-track and relabel them, so if anyone knows of software (pref. freeware) that can somehow create the tags just based on filename, that'd be great. Cheers.

High paying jobs with an ociates Degree?

I see this question has been asked a few times, but I am still not sure. I just read an article where someone who was 45 went back to junior college (because they couldnt afford a university) and after two years with a degree in CAD(?), is now making 100k? Is that possible? Is there any other high paying 2 year learning program type jobs anyone could suggest? Thanks.

Which one is effective & fast removing for dark acne spots ?

Palmers is very good, because it evens skin tone well. You should also try Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E is the best thing for your skin!

Gay ANIME bd/ help please?

if anyone can help me with it i would be grateful. another one i'm looking for is one where a guy in an office has a thing for his boss?

Please help, method for GCSE science questions?

Iv'e just done my first year of GCSE's and I was hopeless at the beggining with the application questions, i could barely get half the marks!! But we did lots of practice using previous exam questions and so I knew how to answer those application questions, you can get copies of past papers from the website of the course you are doing (AQA, OCR, EDEXEL). The way i approach them is to circle the command word (for example explain, describe) and highlight the thing they want you to talk about. Then you will focus your answer on the thing they want instead of writing lots of babble! Also don't try and complicate things, just approach them in a methodical way. Seriously, it gets wayy easier the more you practice and you have lots of time before the final exam. If you are doing AQA, the same as me, feel free to ask anymore questions :)

American Tall Tales (Popular Legends)?

Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, John Henry, Judge Roy Bean, James Bowie, Wyatt Earp (real people who have been turned into tall tales and legends).

A bunch of legal question about YouTube?

Is it legal in a court of law to call someone a "stalker" on YouTube and place them on a "wall of shame"? Or is that slander? And does stuff on YouTube really ever go to a real court? Or is it all just big talk by small men?

Whats a good agp graphics card?

agp cards are getting old. No new generation cards are coming out on agp. It's all being switched over to PCI-E.

What are the best easy online games for adults?

I'm looking for online games for my mother to play, she is semi computer-illiterate so they need to be easy but fun and not designed for 5 year olds. High preference for games using mouse only, but easy keyboard games are good too. To give you an idea for what she is looking for, she really enjoys Peggle, but the free online version only has about 5 levels and the pinging noises are driving me up the wall! Thanks for your suggestions.

Why do I get sick before/on/after my period?

I get sick every time I get my period also. I talked to my doctor about it a couple of months ago and she said that it just happens to some women so its something we will have to get used to. Unfortunately we are the unlucky ones.

Did anyone else see those interviews recently with Paula Abdul? What did you think?

I think the new season of her show is about to start. She's trying to be controversial to get more press coverage. So are Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell.

About dan brown's books?

which of dan brown's books is more interesting to read?? except for the da vinci code and deception can't think which one will I start first...I'm thinking of angels and demons...but do you have better suggestion??

Dizzy after donating blood...yesterday?

Hi, I experienced the exact same thing. I gave blood and didn't feel 100% for at least a week after. It really does take a toll on your body. I would say that you will be fine, your body just needs to recuperate. However, if you really are feeling bad or just want some peace of mind I would go to the doctor and just get checked up by them. Well done on doing a great thing!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Does Carmen Electra's "Strip Aerobics" workout actually work?

I enjoyed the warm up. I think that is better for developing your coordination and self esteem than for overall weight loss.

I just changed my 2 apt. bldgs deeds over to an LLC should I have my tennants make their checks out to it?

The reason I ask this is because I still want the tax benefits and I'm not sure if I should just have them make the checks out to me personally and just have the deeds in the LLC for liability reasons.

Cps and parents rights?

if your child is taken from you for substance abuse allegations and you p the required drug test will cps return your child even when they have set up a court date to attempt to terminate your rights as a parent?

What do atheist think about this?

I dont think about that at all. I think about things that matter. Like the economy and my friends and family.

Is the general public visually illiterate?

Way back, the gentleman who taught me clic portraiture used to say that the general public was visually illiterate. I never quite knew what he meant until YA and some of the images people want critiqued or some of the gushing praises for pure trash. I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry!

Can you edit my sonnet that i wrote !!!easy 15 POINTS!!!?

I think that it is really good. I wouldn't change anything..if you are trying to define disguise threw this then you got it.

I like this girl, I need girl advice on her. Help!?

Don't give her so much attention. Complement her randomly but not everyday. Kind of play hard to get, like since she knows you kinda like her, she prolly thinks that you'll just stick around and continue to give her attention and will wait for when she doesn't want to be "by herself". So what you should do is pretend that you've moved on and you've accepted the fact that you guys will always just be friends. maybe even mention that you think another girl is pretty. also start put other things/people before her, and she will realize that your turning away and starting not to like her anymore and then she will want you back and want the attention that you used to give her and want you to like her again, and she will consider a relationship with you. girls are kinda evil sometimes, she likes to talk to you everyday and loves the attention because she likes the fact that you like her. and thinks that since you continue to like her and talk to her, that your not going anywhere and she will simply just be loved and keep you hoping that one day she will want something with you. so i would turn away a little from her because then she will want you back. its what girls do lol.

Will lemon cake & icing work with a raspberry filling?

Absolutely. The flavor combination is a perfect blend of tart and sweetness with a touch of elegance. I also love raspberry lemonade.

Which was better - the book or the movie? Narnia?

i thought the movie was much better than the book because it shows us the plot in a much more detailed fashion.besides visual effects in the movie seem to enhace our imagination of the plot.whereas reading the book is actually very boring.which means that if we read the book without having watched the movie then i dont think we would understand anything.

Why does a pendulum hanged in an accelerating car move backwards?why cant it move forward?

Because the car moves away from the pendulum... The pendulum gets left behind thus it appears to you that something is pulling it back.

Who is your favoirate character in harry potter?

Mine has to be Sirius Black! He's really brave, really loyal and I can't really believe he's dead! I mean I know it did happen but still. He's really a good person and I can blame snape for all this. I know he's meant to be good but honestly it's the only reason Sirius went to fight. Fudge is a real idiot too why can't he open his eyes for heaven's sake. But although he's dead Sirius is still one of my best characters. He was the only parent Harry ever had!!! I could say much mmore but i dont really feel llike typing. Remus is okay but Harry's got a point in calling him a coward in the DH

How much caffiene is in Chocolate pop-tarts?

Does anyone know how much caffiene is in kellogs chocolate fudge pop tarts? and how you know? I can't find the answer anywhere and it obviously has caffiene because of the chocolate... i just don't know how much. Any info would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

Stay with java or learn .NET?

If you already know Java it will not be that hard to learn .NET. I would recommend learning it because Microsoft is putting so much money and effort into it that it is going to be a major player in the future. I don't know if it will take over Java because they each have their own special niche to fill.

Wouldnt it be cool to know all the answers to the questions you want?

See when I die I want to know if oj really killed his wife which he probably did and I want to know all of the unsolved mysteries and crimes. And all of the celebrities who used lipo instead of exercising lol

Can i swim with bran new highlights in chlorine water?

i just got brand new highlights and i want to know if i can swim in clorine water with out the highlights comming out

What do you think about Jr's, III's, IV's, etc.?

My husband and I are expecting a baby boy in June. His daddy wants him to be a Michael Dennis III and I really don't want that. So, I'm trying to think of names that sound good using either Michael or Dennis as a middle name. Suggestions, please!

Fig tree in New Jersey.. help?

We planted a fig tree in South Jersey. We cover it from the end of November until May. From May and throughout the summer a great number of figs START growing but they don't ripen quickly. As a result we only get a handful of figs and the rest rot when it gets cold. Is there any way to speed up the growing time? Other people get figs (in our area) why can't we? We let the bush get HUGE and out of control? Would pruning it during the season help? We usually cut it to nothing before the frost. Thanks for any info.

My parents or my partner, which one, please help?

This is nothing but emotional blackmail. You will have to explain to them flat out that these are your terms and you are not prepared to give up your life to mind them. They can take it or leave it. If they carry through on their threat then you will probably have legal recourse which you may want to inquire about now. I would just concentrate on your successful relationship. He is not going to forsake you! Live in the present moment. No one can predict the future.

Do you guys know any anime like this one?

Try Aoi Hana. It's all girls no boys, but it's pretty good. The manga may be better but the show is good.

What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is not easily defined. An Atheist, a Buddhist, a Neopagan, a Christian, and a Hindu may all use the term Enlightenment and mean something entirely different. In Thelema it's defined as "Knowledge and Converstation with your Holy Guardian Angel," in Buddhism it is the "Extinction of the Self," and in some esoteric sects of Christianity awareness of "Christ Consciousness." Each of these 3 systems of "enlightenment" have different methods for obtaining it, and different ways to measure one who has obtained enlightenment. In some systems it's the final step for humans, in others it is only the first step.

Balancing chemical equations please help me?

1.a) why is the following equation not balanced? N2+H2(arrow)NH3 b)The following attempt was made to balance the equation.Why is it incorrect? N2+H3(arrow)N2H3 2.Balance the following chemical equations. a)Na+Cl2(arrow)NaCl b)CO+O2(arrow)CO2 c)Al+Br2(arrow)AlBr3 d)H2+Cl2(arrow)HCl e)Mg+HNO3(arrow)Mg(NO3)2+H2.Please number/letter off your answers thanks

I'm 19 and not allowed to date lol?

It sounds like your a very well behaved respectful girl so your mom has done a good job with you. Your right your living under her roof at this point so you do have to abide by her rules but I would sit down and talk to her and tell her mom im 19 im trying to show you I am becoming a responsible adult that you have wanted me to be but I am really wanting to start dating guys. tell her its not about (moms always ume the worst) and see what she says. Like you said you havent brought it up...if not tell her your going to start dating girls becuase thats all you get to hang out with. See what she says then. maybe she will get the point.

What is that "devil music" chant that plays on TV and in Movies?

You know when someone is making a reference to Evil or Satan or George Bush, there is this chanting type music that plays; kind of like Mozart and Beethoven, with pianos and cymbals and other instruments. What is it called and who is the original artist?

Constantly sick and I have no idea why..!?

I've been sick 6 times since October 2010 with chronic coughing and it seems like just a really really really bad cold! I've been to the doctor many times and he has diagnosed me with asthma and bronchitis, but it keeps coming back!! I have an inhaler and I do it everyday, twice a day. It will work for about three weeks then I'll just start getting sick again! I occasionally have a fever and I am always (since October) coughing up nasty mucous-y stuff. What really freaks me out is about 60% of the time there's this nasty black ink-like looking stuff in it. Not that much but its gross and I don't know what it is! Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?? Thanks!!

Searching for an herbal dietary supplement.?

I have taken the medicine Bontril in the past, but I am looking for an herbal dietary suppressor. Thanks for the information.

Paula Deen's beef stroganoff recipe?

I'm at work and am wanting to make this for dinner tonight. Does anyone have a copy of the book or the recipe and could they share?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Will it be just coincidence if the world becomes distracted by the ME and loses their focus on N and S Korea?

Nah, it will be a world war. USA declare war on N.Korea and Iran, Australia declare war on Japan for whaling and the British will spill oil all over the world and legalize opium.

I am hoping to get into UC Berkeley. Help?

Please take some time to read this. I really need opinions and guidance. It would be awesome if someone from UC Berkeley was reading this. So, the school year is almost finished. I am currently a sopre. These are my stats. I don't think 9th grade really matters but I got mostly A's, A+s and A-s. 1oth grade, I am taking Algebra II (H), AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science. I am planning on taking 3 years of Mandarin. I have taken the PSAT and scored a 181. I took the AP Computer Science exam (somewhat confident I did well) and I am about to take the AP Chemistry Exam. Then take the SAT II for Chemistry. Thats all for sopre year. Junior year, I will take Pre-Calculas (H), AP Biology, Video Production, Web Development, English 3 (H). I have not participated in sports(will join swim team in Junior year) or clubs or volunteered in the community. On my transcript, it says my GPA for UCs and CSUs is 4.333 and Private colleges is 4.048. What should I do during this summer and next two years in high school so I can get accepted by UC Berkeley? Thank you.

Explain the fact that ........?

Explain the fact that the solubility of iodine in tetrachloroethane at 10 C is 3g per 100g of solvent but the solubility of iodine in water 10 C is 0.02g per 100 g of solvent?

How long can a thawed turkey stay in the refridgerator before having to be cooked or frozen?

We bought an 18 lb. turkey for Christmas today, the package said "fresh" & it hadn't been frozen yet. This is my first year doing a Christmas turkey, so I am scared that if I freeze it before then, it won't thaw in time (being I have no clue how thawing times work with turkeys!) The package says "sell OR freeze by December 28, 2008" Will it be okay just leaving it in the refridgerator until Christmas Eve morning? (Which is when we'll start marinating it?) Or do I need to freeze it? I'm not trying to get the whole family sick here LOL! There is a 1-800 number on the package (Honeysuckle Farms) but I sat on hold a lot longer than I had wanted to earlier, & ended up hanging up hoping to get a faster response here. Any help is appreciated! THANKS!



Should America D-Day Vets be told how English Revisionists have minimized their role in the invasion on D-Day?

No, we shouldn't. Those ungrateful ***'s overseas (not all of them, just some) want to minimize our role when we basically handed them a win. It's true we didn't enter the war until after Pearl Harbor, but if we hadn't entered, Europe would be still be under control of the Nazi Regime.

Runescape Question: best way to make money?

god-wars mive clan with loot share should do it or while doing barrows lend weapons and armor to ppl for money but god stuff is pretty much rune with a prayer bonus you should just get dragon instead o and another thing if your a memb go fight roach soldiers and hellhounds im only lvl 54 roach soldiers are 86 and hellhounds are 122 i can kill both with ease my runescape acc is boxyboxman add me il fight you i promise ill win

Is it crossing the line to feed in a movie theatre?

One thing I have noticed is in out society today, people are just RUDE. Rude people are everywhere and could care less about others around them. Then if you say something they are ready to lay into you. In a perfect world the mother would have went to a quite place in the lobby or ask someone that worked there a private place to nurse. Some on here would say, well she paid to watch the movie. Well too bad, the mother knew the baby may have wanted to nurse and could have expressed some milk or not brought the baby at all. But the only thing you could have done was to move somewhere else. That is why I do not go to a movie anymore. I just watch rented movies. Too much money to spend when people yaking on there phones, phones ringing, people running their mouth, people coming in late blocking my view while I am watching the movie. Just not worth it. Sorry I don't have a better answer but what can you do. You can read the snide comments that have already been made to you on here. Just do like I do and rent movies. And watch the movie in peace in your home.

I need Help who to start this week, WRs, TEs?

I'd start Moss vs. MIA. Belichek will try to bury them after they "wild-cated" all over them for a win last year. Also, I'd go with Davis against the worst P D in the league.

Where can I purchase an Indianapolis Colts sofa?

My husband and I are desperately wanting an Indianapolis Colts sofa before Superbowl Sunday! We have found them online, but it's a 7-8 week wait for delivery...We live near Indy and even closer to Lafayette...but are willing to travel to pick up in other cities in the state...Soooo does anyone know of where we can purchase one, in person and take home the same day?? Thanks in advance!

I have another Biology question that I forgot to post with the first one sorry?

How do meiosis and ual reproduction(fertilization) produce offspring that differ genetically from the parents?

What shade of red hair would suit me?

reddy red? lol im not sure what you mean, if your daring go for bright red, or you could go like cheryl cole like plum red, or ashlee simpsons mucky red, purpley red generally tends to suit people more that bright red hair but its just up to you, seeing as i cant see your face its kinda hard to think what'd suit, sorry

Where to buy black suede shoe-boots?

I have just bought the most perfect low heeled black shoeboots from the online shoe shop Kindred Sole! They are also limited edition. I wore them to work yesterday for the first time and they are so comfy and my work collegues loved them. Definately recommend. If your in the UK to you get free Next day delivery too!

Are these fake?

it's a fraud website, i can tell, don't waste your money on fakes, just check out the authorized retailers on

Should women who sleep with someone who is not their husband be stoned to death?

I know where you are coming from, but the Old Testament was very strict about sin. After Jesus died, to take our sin away, it was less of an issue. Yes, sleeping with somebody other than her husband is a sin, but remember when the Pharisees were going to stone the prostitute lady, and asked Jesus what to do, to trick him, and he wrote in the sand, and said "he who hath no sin, cast the first stone."? There you go =)

What will happen when ministers crack down on the unions?

its only because of the unions that we strike and protest to this rotten government. we need the unions as they stand up to the government against changes and new policies they don't agree with on our behalf. if they get rid of the unions then there will be no one to confront the government about issues, and all we will do is sit at home moaning about the government changes but do nothing about it. our voices will not be heard from our living rooms!

Will Monarchy ever rise again?

i mean like will absoloutle monarchys ever become a typical form of government and why did it go away mostly

Who would win @ 147, Manny Pacquiao or Felix Trinidad (Prime Years)?

Felix wouldn't be affected by Manny's speed but he wouldn't be able to hang with Manny's power. All that said Trinidad is still one of my favorite boxers of all time.

POLL: What are your cats like?

I have 4 cats at my house. There`s Kellie Lynn, she my 22 lb calico who is in love with my oldest son. And the resident bully. Then there`s Racie, my tomcat turned spoiled brat. We found him when he was 3 and brought him home. He has his own food dish in our room as well as a water gl sitting on a shelf. He loves to talk to you, and I think he understands me. Next is Simba, who is the baby of the family, not by age but she`s small, we found her as well when she was 3 weeks old. She was very sick when we brought her home and Racie helped me raise her. Taught her to use the litterbox and everything. She`s the only one that really likes to snuggle. She loves to jump up onto my shoulder while i`m walking around the house. Simba is all black with about 4 strands of white on her chin. Then we have Princess, who is anything but a Princess. She`s a tiger cat. She`s a nice cat i love her but she tends to get cranky at times.And she was also a stray. I know I sound like a crazy cat lady LOL but I love my little guys!!!

What started monarchies in Europe?

I just finished reading Tale of Two cities last night and now it's got me interested in a lot of new subjects but the one question that's bugging me now is how did different nations in Europe from their monarchies and why was that the most prevalent from of government?

Where to go from here????

All born again believers sense evil around them, as well as God's Spirit. This however does not mean it is God's will that we follow after a lifestyle of "spiritualism"....for lack of a better word. The Bible is where you should go from here. Look up all scripture ociated with spirits, Spirit, demons, devils, and spiritual warfare. Pay special attention to Ephesians chapter 6: 10-18. (note 2Timothy 2:15).

So if anyone who believes in Jesus as a savior is saved, does that include Adolf Hitler?

Hitler was not a Christian, so he was not saved. People can go around and say that they believe in Jesus, and still not be a born again Christian. Do you know that Satan believes in Jesus, and that certainly does not mean he is saved, does it? Same with a human being.

Is this a simile or a metaphor?

"His words slipped from his pale lips almost as silently as the liquid of an egg from a cracked shell."

LGBT: Do you think the opinions of others are accurate in regards to the appearances of my sister and myself?

wow! you can tell you're sisters. can't see why you get those nasty comments as you and your sister look similar. in fact i think you look better than her. maybe it's a personality thing?