Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rli dont no wot 2do anymore....help ne1??

heya, i was walkin home onmy own cz my bf was l8 4 work n ***** do it so i rang my dad n asked if he would but he wouldnt. So i started walkin home and suddenly i saw this man stumbling around like sum1 outta saun of the dead with 1 hand on his head. I stopped in my tracks and then he stopped and looked at me n den ran after me i ran 4my life i started avin a panic attak cz this stuff az appnd 2 me b4 n i ad 2 av councling. then my dad pikd me up n started shouting at me saying he dnt care wt appns 2me anymore even if i get rapped and beatin up in a corner sum where n then asked wt flowers i want on my coffin. I then told my mum and she sed hmmm... n i go dnt u care n she goes no... y shud we bother nemre. Im so angry and upset! specialy talkin about this wen i still avnt got over my friends death.

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