Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is it crossing the line to feed in a movie theatre?

One thing I have noticed is in out society today, people are just RUDE. Rude people are everywhere and could care less about others around them. Then if you say something they are ready to lay into you. In a perfect world the mother would have went to a quite place in the lobby or ask someone that worked there a private place to nurse. Some on here would say, well she paid to watch the movie. Well too bad, the mother knew the baby may have wanted to nurse and could have expressed some milk or not brought the baby at all. But the only thing you could have done was to move somewhere else. That is why I do not go to a movie anymore. I just watch rented movies. Too much money to spend when people yaking on there phones, phones ringing, people running their mouth, people coming in late blocking my view while I am watching the movie. Just not worth it. Sorry I don't have a better answer but what can you do. You can read the snide comments that have already been made to you on here. Just do like I do and rent movies. And watch the movie in peace in your home.

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