Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do deal with a boyfriend who refuses to give up pills?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6yrs. Just recently pills have become a hugh problem for us. I tried for a few months to keep my mouth shut and let him have it. I thought it was something that would past. But it was just got wrose. It's not as bad as it could be but I dont want it to get that bad. I have seen people on this and what can happen and I dont want that for him or me. He had agreed to slow down but then he started lying and hiding it from me. So when he did actually slow down, I still got mad cause I dont trust him to tell me the truth. Then the **** hit the fan a few weeks ago, and I moved out of our home for the last 3yrs. We have been trying to work this out but I dont know. He said he would quit if I moved back but I wont cause I was afraid that it would only last until I did move back in. Well he quit for a week (if he wasnt lying/hiding it from me) but then yesturday he was looking for it again. Most of the week he quit, he wouldnt even smile at me. When he thought he might be getting the stuff he was in a good mood, then when it didnt go through, he was in a bad mood again. He said he might get one today, so I told him that I wasnt going to see him today because if he was going to do it I didnt want to be around and to call me when it was gone, I told him I loved him and to just be careful. He never even responded. I truely feel that if he loved me he would quit but he feels like if I loved him I would just deal with it. I have no idea what to do. I love him so much, and I want to try everything before I just give up on him. But its getting to the point where there are days where I just dont care and Im so angry! There was a point in time that he hated people who were doing the things he's doing now. I just dont understand. This could take him away from me, and he just seems not to care. I have no idea what Im doing or what I need to do. Can someone please help me?

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