Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do you think this is fair!?!?!?!?

OK, so im in the 6th grade and 2 of my friends are in cheerleading like me for my school, so we have to go to daycare after the buses leave and we forgot about that so we took like 5 minutes to change and we were on our way to daycare, and then one of the guys gave me a note saying tell terena[my friend] i wanna kiss her so im like k, and so it took like 2 minutes and i hooked them up, so then theres my homeroom teacher and the pincipal saying u should be in daycare, blabla u could get kidnapped and we got A WEEK OF LUNCH DETENTION! and then we went to daycare and the buses leave at 3:05 it was 3:12!!!!!!!!!!!!! i usually ge in there at 3:30 and they dont care, I HATE EM!!!!

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