Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Have you ever felt so sad and distraught over something so seemingly simple?

When i was 3, my aunt gave me a stuffed lamb that i absolutely loved. I've had it for 18 years now and i still take it out when i'm having a really bad day. well the other night, it was one of those days so i looked for it in my room and couldnt find it anywhere. i figured i just misplaced it so i went to bed without it (very upset i might add. had a hard time sleeping). the next day i asked my mother if she had seen it and when she didnt answer me right away i knew something was wrong. she eventually told me the cat had found it and got mud on it SO SHE THREW IT AWAY!!!!! she said it wasnt worth keeping!!!!! what the hell is that??? i couldve washed it. not only that, but she threw it away without my permission OVER A MONTH AGO and didnt tell me because she knew i'd be mad. uh...yeah!!! well that stuffed lamb was the last little piece of my childhood i had left.. and now its gone. i will never see it again. i cannot tell you how absolutely heart broken i am about it. i never grew an attachment to anything as a child. never had a pacifier or a blankie ever. that lamb was it. and even all our childhood pictures were destroyed in a flood. i have nothing left... sounds stupid but i sobbed when she told me she threw it away and ive been crying about it on and off since. i looked online and found the type of stuffed animals on ebay but i cant find the lamb one anywhere. not that it would make a difference because its not the one i grew up with but it would be nice to have one again.... I'm so distraught and heart broken about the loss of my lamb. :'( am i being crazy? can i ever forgive my mother?

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